Tuesday 15 July 2014

A short quiz

So issue # 21 of the Fantastic Four (from December 1963), the villain is called The Hate Monger, an evil genius who develops a hate ray and uses it stir up the masses to bend to his will.  Let's be kind here and say it was unusual for a comic at the time to take on racism;  let's also be honest and admit the last page - when the Hate Monger is unmasked and turns out to be Adolph Hitler - is cringeworthy in the extreme and probably would have been at the time as well.

Rommel and Patton is a novelization of the events surrounding D-Day and fictionalizes the story of the two title subjects, as well as many other historical personages involved in the battle, including Adolph Hitler.  The story is illustrated by photos and maps of real people;  the story told fictionalizes the way Rohmer imagines it may have played out.

But the success or failure of the book will be dealt with later when all of us have actually finished reading it; today I am only here to offer the following quiz:  below are two quote from Adolph Hitler, one written by Stan Lee and the other by Rohmer.  It shouldn't be too hard to figure out which is which.

- " I have already heard six flying bombs take off since we've been here.  Their engines throb, roar, and pulsate with so much power!

- "We must race to the underground command post and prepare for the attack...which is certain to come!"

But still…


  1. In the final issue of The Unknown Soldier, Germany has a doomsday machine/wonder-weapon to win the war with the Allies at gates of Berlin. It's a sort of rain of frogs, only the frogs are vampire squid. Luckily The Unknown Soldier shoots Hitler in the face and replaces him before he can give the order. Then he arranges Hitler and Eva Braun's bodies to make it look like suicide. Then Unknown himself dies. Or does he?

    Yep. Not good.

    But I just had a horrible premonition about the end of Rommel & Patton. We're going to do 200 pages of the Allied leadership discussing whether or not to accept Rommel's surrender -- with Bradley first announcing that he won't say which way he's going to vote.

    Then, on the very last page, Bradley will announce...


    after much deliberation...

    and although he can see both sides of the argument...

    he has decided...





  2. Of course it will be Monty's fault, that's why he's not in the title.
